
PaGS can be used in two ways: either as a standalone GCS or as part of a larger application.


To run standalone:

The following commandline arguments can be used:

  • --source=tcpclient: Connection in format connectiontype:connectionstr:sys:comp
  • --mav=2 Mavlink Version (1 or 2)
  • --dialect=ardupilotmega MAVLink dialect
  • --source-system=255 MAVLink source system for this GCS
  • --source-component=0 MAVLink source component for this GCS
  • --multi
  • --nogui Disable usage of a GUI
  • --sitl=n Connect to Ardupilot SITL instance, where n is the instance ID (ID is required).

(Default values of each argument are shown above).

For the connection sources (--source), the connection types can be:

  • tcpclient with the connectionstr being remoteip:port
  • tcpserver with the connectionstr being localip:port
  • udpserver with the connectionstr being localip:port
  • udpclient with the connectionstr being remoteip:port
  • serial with the connectionstr being serialport:baud, ie source=serial:COM17:115200:1:0

The sys is the System ID of the remote vehicle and the comp is the component ID of the vehicle. These are typically 1 and 0 respectively for Ardupilot with the default parameters.

Multiple --source can be used. Each system ID is assumed to be a different vehicle. Thus multiple connections to a single vehicle can be used.

In the alternate case, where multiple vehicles (each with a different System ID) are on a single connection, simply repeat the --source with the same connectionstr and the relevent (differerent) source ID’s.

If using the --sitl options, multiple connections to different APM SITL instances can be used. For example, to connect to 3 SITL instances: --sitl=0 --sitl=1 --sitl=2

If neither the --source and --sitl arguments are used, PaGS will first look for any USB-connected flight controllers and attempt to connect at a buad rate of 115200, otherwise it will connect to a UDP server on localhost, port 14550.

As an example:

  • Vehicle 1 (System ID 1) and Vehicle 3 (System ID) are both on serial port COM17, baud 57600
  • Vehicle 2 (System ID 22) is on tcpserver and a secondary link on udpclient

Gives: --source=serial:COM17:57600:1:0 --source=serial:COM17:57600:3:0 --source=tcpserver: -source=udpclient:

As a Library